Tuesday, May 13, 2014


The idea for this particular blog entry came from FAN EXPO in Regina, Canada, a gargantuan gathering of multi-genre comic book geeks, fanboys and fangirls dressed as comic book characters.  At FAN EXPO, my complicated friend and WHOVIAN, ROBIN, snapped this picture of Waldo, the world time traveling aficionado, who always dresses in a red and white striped shirt, bobble hat, and spectacles.

Waldo was just one of the hundreds of comic book characters wandering among the mass of fans, along with other comic book creations as Captain America, the Amazing Spiderman, the Hulk, anime voice actors, comic writers, designers, and illustrators, and (of course) zombies. Live guests such as anyone from STAR WARS and, of course, the real Mr. Spock and Captain Kirk of STAR TREK fame are ever present at these conventions.

FACT:  Waldo is loveable in part because he is unique in costume.  Each of us is partly Waldo in this regard.  All of us like it or not, are uniquely dressed for that random first impression.  All of us are wearing particular styles of clothing (costume) portraying current characters, seemingly moment to moment, oftentimes as replacements for our regular personae.  And the reasons for our costumes is because most of abide by the unwritten rules of formal and casual dress codes.  Our day-to-day garb, suit and tie or jeans and tee, is our costume.  And our costume has social significance.  The clothes we don can indicate our gender, our income, our occupation, and our social class

My point is that one certainly does not need to be at FAN EXPO to be in costume.  All of us our in  costume for most of our time.  Our costume is our personal signature code which includes our choice of bald or hirsute, piercings or jewellery, tattoos or tanning booths, and as importantly, our togs.

Whether we are cubicle white-collar office drones, or open range blue-collar work-to-the-bone grunters, our duds are indicative of whom we really are, at least in our working moments.  Sometimes in the workplace we can disguise our real selves, because at work we don’t necessarily have to be ourselves.  In a strange way then, work can be a refuge for those not comfortable with their real selves.  

It could be that if you feel the need to hide your real self, getting the right job will help, because at certain workplaces, there is a desired kind of costume quirkiness.

For example, if you are a jock and love to show off those pipes and gams, being scantily attired in a fitness centre is totally appropriate.  If you are the maĆ®tre d in a swanky dining room, then being nattily attired fits the bill (pun intended).  A female exhibitionist, who is willing to tightly wrap herself in cleavage revealing tops and butt clinging skirts will arouse many a tip when choosing to ply her wears (pun intended) in the breastaurant business.
I know a guy who works the floor at MADAME YES (see advertisement scrolling down the right side of this blog), and dresses gothic at his Madame Yes gig (a clothier of the darkest fashion), then ditches the body darts and collar of darkness for his silver tie clasp and crisp collar of milk at his other job as an accountant at City Hall. 

Henry David Thoreau referred to clothes as a false skin to gain a false respect.  Philosophically, Thoreau questioned how long people would really retain their relative rank if they were to be somehow divested of their clothes.   

Accordingly let us muse … if we all dressed alike, would our social status be determined by our worthiness, rather than by our worthy dress?   

Hmmm … maybe … maybe not.  (But what fun would it be?  See YAMMIE, pictured above, dressed as MIKASA, and see ROBIN, pictured above, wearing a sombrero, after a burrito-eating contest.)
FAN EXPO, the comic book convention, is really an escape from the dress code convention.  
FAN EXPO is an escape from the blue and white collars of the workplace for the superhero capers of Fantasyland. 

And where is Waldo?

We are Waldo … and we are everywhere!
*Check out our new songs (PHANTOM TIDE) on the YouTube link top right on this blog.

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